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Citadel Colour 60-50 Battle Ready Paint

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Paint Collections: Game Paint Set
Item SKU: CIT6050

Temporarily Out of Stock

This bundle of 30 Citadel Colour Base and Shade paints gives you access to a huge variety of hues and tones, allowing you to explore new and exciting colour schemes. This collection has been curated by our own painting experts to give you a wide range of options when painting your miniatures, and works perfectly with the Parade Ready Paint Set,* which provides the corresponding selection of Citadel Colour Layer paints needed to highlight your Battle Ready army to a Parade Ready standard.

This bundle includes the following 22 12ml pots of Base paint:
- 1x Corax White
- 1x Abaddon Black
- 1x Mechanicus Standard Grey
- 1x Retributor Armour
- 1x Leadbelcher
- 1x Rhinox Hide
- 1x Mournfang Brown-
- 1x Zandri Dust
- 1x Rakarth Flesh
- 1x Wraithbone
- 1x Naggaroth Night
- 1x Macragge Blue
- 1x The Fang
- 1x Thousand Sons Blue
- 1x Caliban Green
- 1x Waaagh! Flesh
- 1x Death Guard Green
- 1x Orruk Flesh
- 1x Khorne Red
- 1x Mephiston Red
- 1x Bugman's Glow
- 1x Averland Sunset

Also contains the following 8 18ml pots of Shade paint:
- 1x Nuln Oil
- 1x Agrax Earthshade
- 1x Reikland Fleshshade
- 1x Seraphim Sepia
- 1x Berserker Bloodshade
- 1x Drakenhof Nightshade
-1x Coelia Greenshade
- 1x Biel-Tan Green


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