Leopard 2 A7 German Main Battle Tank.
German main battle tank leopard 2 A7 - the leopard 2 A7, the most advanced German main battle tank, has been handed over to the German army since the end of 2014. This vehicle has received a new Apu and a new air conditioning system. There's no big improvement of its protection, but it's prepared for the installation of add on armour on its hull. When necessary, the installation of add on armour can be done in a quick manner. It's still fitted with a 120 mm L/55 smoothbore gun. The leopard 2 A7 will become the main equipment of German army in the future. Kit info - this 1/35 scale German main battle tank leopard 2 A7 plastic TS-027 kit precisely represents the details of the real vehicle. The kit includes realistic and movable torsion bar suspension, cement free workable tracks, adhesive mirror foil, clear lights and optical equipment, an external display of the German combat management and information system, tool bags and precision PE parts. The paint scheme of 203rd Panzer Battalion of German army is provided. Length: 315 mm width: 110 mm height: 87 mm