PECO SL-U8361 HO Code 83 #6 Right Hand Turnout Unifrog
The PECO Streamline "Line Code" 83 track system has been many modellers' premier choice for modelling American railroads since it was launched back in 2004. As part of our ongoing improvements we recently had the opportunity to re-tool the #6 turnout, which now benefits from one piece machine point blades, and the introduction of the Unifrog format to give the modeller options for wiring. We can help you further understand the concept behind Unifrog, which replaces Electrofrog and Insulfrog, but incorporates the benefits of both. This link will give you some useful information about Unifrog and the benefits it offers. Share this with your customers! The good news is that the Unifrog concept will be rolled out over the coming years, as we improve and upgrade our track systems.