FACING THE ELEMENTSHow can you bring the elements into your wargaming? WI sought out the advice of some of our hobby’s elite.
BBA! Ambush!A new scenario from Daniel Mersey for use in Blam! Blam! Aargh! which was included as a freebie with Wi404.
INFANTRY FACE THE WEATHERWI’s painters bring the elements to this month’s free Warlord Games British and Canadian Infantry frame.
DESIGNER’S NOTES:02 HUNDRED HOURSGraham Davey brings night raids to WWII with his new game of stealth skirmishing.
BUILDING THE GREAT WAR FRONTLINEAdam J. Sharp tackled the monumental task of creating a realistic WWI board with waterlogged trenches crossing the cratered earth on either side of no man’s land.
MONSIEUR LE MARECHAL TOURNANTColonel (Retired) Bill Gray introduces us to the fascinating French General Aimable Jean- Jacques Pélissier and his part in France’s victory at the Malakoff.
THALASSA PREVIEWRicard Fortun, boss and game designer at Room17 Games, visited the Wi office and gave us an advanced preview of his upcoming ancients naval wargame.
THE SILVER BAYONET SOCIETY PART FIVECampaign GM James is back to cover The Silver Bayonet Society’s penultimate month of adventures in the Peninsular War.
MAKING THE MEDITERRANIANJames Morris shares how he added realistic coastal detail to his El Cid gaming set-up.
STRENGTH AND HONOURMark Backhouse tells us about his newfound love of 2mm scale wargames and the set of rules he designed to play Ancient Roman battles.
CLASSIC CITADEL ELEMENTALSMarc dug these Citadel classics out of the Wargames Illustrated miniature vault and painted them for our theme.
RECREATING ISANDLWANAAlexander Smith recreated the epic battle of Isandlwana when his gaming group finally got back together after pandemic enforced separation.
INSIDER INTERVIEW:SLÁINEWe popped into Warlord Games to check out Andy Chambers and Gav Thorpe’s new game based on 2000AD’s popular Celtic wanderer.